As an adult, you may buy toys for the children in your life for several reasons: Maybe your toddler niece loves cows, or perhaps you want to encourage your child's love of the ocean with high-quality deep sea animal toys. Maybe you're simply looking for something for your highly inquisitive kids to play with that engages them differently than their other toys.
The benefits of free play for children can't be overstated. Research shows us that young children learn, develop decision-making skills, and build curiosity when they engage in unstructured playtime. To boost your child's development and imagination, check out our collection of figurines, toys, and puzzles that are sure to delight all members of the family.
Deep Sea Animal Toys To Boost Your Child's Imagination
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the deep sea doesn't just refer to non-shallow waters — it's a classification that includes depths of 656 feet and below. It's dark, as not much sunlight can reach this area, and it's very cold. It's also home to some of our planet's strangest and most delightful creatures.
If your child loves sharks, fish, and narwhals, he or she will probably be thrilled to investigate this largely unknown, mysterious realm of the ocean at playtime. Here are a few of our deep sea animal toys to choose from:

1. Deep Sea Creatures TOOB®
For kids who love all kinds of bizarre creatures, the TOOB® contains seven painted figurines that will introduce your little one to the dwellers of the deep. It includes a range of sea life that's often unrepresented in children's toys, such as the following:
- Hatchet fish
- Black dragonfish
- Gulper eel
- Giant isopod
- Glass squid
- Viperfish
- Angler fish
These fascinating creatures are non-toxic, BPA-free, and hand-painted. They range from 1.25-3.75 inches tall.
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2. Good Luck Minis: Sea Life Fun Pack
If you'd like to add some more recognizable sea creatures from shallower waters to round out your set of deep sea animal toys, consider the Good Luck Minis collection which includes a manatee, octopus, hermit crab, jellyfish, and more. Your little one may be interested to know that jellyfish are found around the world — from shallow, coastal waters to depths of up to 12,000 feet!
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3. Giant Squid Toys
Due to its size and its ability to live in super-deep waters, the giant squid has inspired stories of Krakens and sea monsters for centuries. While the largest giant squid on record was nearly 43 feet long, our squid toy is a bit more manageable for playtime at 9.5 inches. The pocket-sized Good Luck Mini squid, part of the Good Luck Minis bulk set, is even tinier at 1.5 inches long.
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