Holiday Books and Toy Recommendations for Kids - Safari Ltd®

Holiday Books and Toy Recommendations for Kids

Dec 14, 2020

Stories are magic…they transport us to new realms and realities. Want to give the gift of magic this holiday season? Our educational figurines paired with a favorite book makes the perfect gift combo!

Your kids can harness the power of storytelling when they incorporate our figurines and other story props with a great book. Figurines and plush toys lend a tactile element to reading that most children find irresistible.

Kids of all ages will delight in using our figurines to animate their favorite stories and expand their imaginations. Joyful play is a huge motivator for engaging children in literacy activities. 

Safari  Ltd. offers a wide selection of detailed figurines and plush toys that serve as amazing props for many popular children’s books. We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorites that are beloved in many homes and classrooms


    Don't Tickle the Reindeer

    by Sam Taplin

    *Bonus idea: Add some jingle bells for festive fun! 


      The Tree That's Meant To Be

      by Yuvall Zommer

       *Bonus Idea: Make fake snow and add a mini Christmas tree for a small world play set up. 


      How To Catch Santa

      by Jean Reagan 

      *Bonus Idea: Gather some blocks, string, disposable cups, or other items that can be used to make "traps". Have your kids help brainstorm some ideas.



      The Nativity 


       The Bell in the Box™️

       by Angel Parmalee

      *Bonus Idea: Check out the Author's page to learn more about this fun tradition.


      The Snowy Day

      by Ezra Jack Keats

      *Bonus Idea: Make fake snow  for a dose of wintery fun!


      Who’s That Knocking on Christmas Eve?

      by Jan Brett

      *Bonus ideas: Set up a little house, throw in some DIY two ingredient fake snow, and a boy and girl toy figure.


      The Three Snow Bears

      by Jan Brett

      *Bonus ideas: Set up a snowy scene with DIY two ingredient fake snow and sugar cubes to make an igloo.


      How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Chanukah?

      By Jane Yolen and Mark Teague

       *Bonus  ideas: provide a Dreidel game, Gelt, and a Menorah


      A Wish to be a Christmas Tree

      by Colleen Monroe

      *Bonus ideas: make a birdseed ornament to feed wild birds, build a birdhouse , or decorate a mini Christmas tree with natural items (like strings of popcorn, strings of cranberries, sprigs of holly, etc…)


        Red & Lulu

        by Matt Tavares

        *Bonus idea: decorate a small Christmas tree for Red and Lulu or make a NY city scene with blocks or by painting various cardboard food boxes from your recycle bin to look like buildings.


          Dream Snow

          by Eric Carle

          *Bonus idea: create a snowy farm play invitation or sensory bin.


          This is just a glimpse into the endless book and figurine pairing opportunities. Follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter  for future suggestions.

          Many of our figurines can be paired with a variety of picture books. This is especially true for our Wildlife Collections and Farm and Domesticated Animal Collections.





          Anji Audley has experience as an elementary and early childhood educator. She is also a mom of two active and creative boys. Anji is a strong advocate for play-based learning. She infuses learning with STEM activities, play, and art to inspire discovery and creativity.  


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