Tonies USA

About This Collection

Tonies toys are a unique collection of figurines and electronics that combine into a kid-friendly musical experience.

Which Tonies Toys Should You Buy?

Tonies USA creates a variety of products:

  • The Toniebox
  • Headphones
  • Figurines, including those of popular cartoon characters

The Toniebox is the best place to start since you can purchase it in a starter kit. The starter kit includes the Toniebox, the Playtime Puppy Tonies, and a charging station. The headsets plug into the Toniebox, allowing kids to listen to music solo. The padded headphones are comfortable and come in a variety of colors.

The figurines (called Tonies) are small plastic toys that interact with the Toniebox. Tonies have different themes associated with their characters, allowing children to choose their favorite songs and stories.

How Does the Toniebox Work?

Tonies USA designed the Toniebox for little hands. The cube has a soft covering to protect it and little ones should it fall. The "cat ears" adjust the volume while a tap changes tracks. To start the music, all you need to do is plop a Tonie on top.

Where Can You Find Tonies Toys?

Safari Ltd. sells a wide selection of Tonies toys, including the Toniebox and accessories. Parents looking for alternatives to screens can appreciate this inventive electronic that provides small children with both lessons and fun.

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