Sun Dragon Toy | Dragon Toy Figurines | Safari Ltd.
Sun Dragon Toy | Dragon Toy Figurines | Safari Ltd.
Sun Dragon Toy
Sun Dragon Toy
Sun Dragon Toy
Sun Dragon Toy
Sun Dragon Toy | Dragon Toy Figurines | Safari Ltd.
Sun Dragon Toy | Dragon Toy Figurines | Safari Ltd.
Sun Dragon Toy
Sun Dragon Toy
Sun Dragon Toy
Sun Dragon Toy

Sun Dragon Toy

$24.25 /
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The eldest of all dragons, the Sun Dragon is thought to have brought Dragon Fire to the ancestors of all dragon breeds. It’s a gentle, powerful, extremely intelligent creature, respected and revered by all dragon species for its life-giving power.

  • Scientific Name: Draco solis
  • Characteristics: Bold colors, wise eyes, and unique wings set this Sun Dragon apart from all others. Although it has four legs, it often chooses to stand upright.
  • Size and Color: Bright yellow, with tinges of red and orange like flame, the Sun Dragon awes any who look upon it. It stands 5 inches tall, with an impressive 6-inch wingspan.
  • The Sun Dragon is part of the Dragons collection
  • All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free

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