Great White Sharks Good Luck Minis | Montessori Toys | Safari Ltd.
Great White Sharks Good Luck Minis | Montessori Toys | Safari Ltd.
Great White Sharks - 192 pcs - Good Luck Minis®
Great White Sharks - 192 pcs - Good Luck Minis®
Great White Sharks Good Luck Minis | Montessori Toys | Safari Ltd.
Great White Sharks Good Luck Minis | Montessori Toys | Safari Ltd.
Great White Sharks - 192 pcs - Good Luck Minis®
Great White Sharks - 192 pcs - Good Luck Minis®

Great White Sharks - 192 pcs - Good Luck Minis®

$139.99 /
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Great White Sharks range throughout the world’s oceans, but they are most prevalent in warmer waters. They grow to nearly 20 feet long, which adds to the sometimes negative publicity they receive. As apex predators, they are essential to their ecosystems.

  • History: Sharks are considered Threatened because of the many challenges they face in the wild. Although data show they are not the vicious killers of Hollywood fame, old prejudices remain. Because of their near-legend status thanks to their size and fame, one of the greatest threats faced by Great Whites is illegal poaching for black market collectors.
  • Scientific Name: Carcharodon carcharias
  • Characteristics: Mouth open wide, these mini Great White Sharks are ready to take a bite. Let them swim into your ocean diorama or art project, use them as charms or giveaways for sports teams, or share them as wedding or party favors.
  • Size: These Great White Shark mini figures are about the length of a paperclip, around an inch long.
  • All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free
  • 192 Pieces Per Bag. Only Available in Bulk Purchase.
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