Whitetip Reef Shark Toy - Sea Life Toys by Safari Ltd.
Whitetip Reef Shark Toy - Sea Life Toys by Safari Ltd.
Whitetip Reef Shark Toy
Whitetip Reef Shark Toy
Whitetip Reef Shark Toy
Whitetip Reef Shark Toy
Whitetip Reef Shark Toy
Whitetip Reef Shark Toy
Whitetip Reef Shark Toy - Sea Life Toys by Safari Ltd.
Whitetip Reef Shark Toy - Sea Life Toys by Safari Ltd.
Whitetip Reef Shark Toy
Whitetip Reef Shark Toy
Whitetip Reef Shark Toy
Whitetip Reef Shark Toy
Whitetip Reef Shark Toy
Whitetip Reef Shark Toy

Whitetip Reef Shark Toy

$6.93 /
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The whitetip reef shark is a requiem shark, meaning it is a member of the Carcharhinidae family, like the bull shark, grey reef shark, tiger shark and lemon shark. However, unlike those and most other sharks, it does not need to constantly swim to force water through its gills to breathe, and can rest on the sea bottom without moving. This shark prefers to stay close to the ocean floor in caves and crevices during the day, coming out at night to feed.

Scientific Name: Triaenodon obesus

Characteristics: This slender shark figure is posed as if twisting its way through the coral and rocks of the reef floor. This figure captures the unique blunted snout and sleek body of the whitetip reef shark.

Size and Color: This figure measures 4 ¾ inches long and 1 ¾ inches tall, a little shorter than the length of a soda can on its side. Its coloration is gray above fading to a white underbelly, with the characteristic white tips on its dorsal and tail fins.

The Whitetip Reef Shark is part of the Wild Safari® Sea Life collection.

All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.

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